- Monster Muscle Growth
- Monster Hunter Muscle Growth
- Animal Monster Muscle Growth
- Monster High Muscle Growth
Just as importantly, monster sets can increase each muscle’s time under tension, optimizing another essential growth stimulus. Need a third reason? You’ll look like a beast. Nothing says badass. My goal is to help over 1 million men to build muscle and achieve a physique they never thought possible. I offer simple, science-based training and nutrition advice for anyone who has struggled to build muscle or lose fat. ALAIN GONZALEZ Author, Bulk Up Fast Certified Personal Trainer Owner, Muscle Monsters LLC.
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The importance of the muscle confusion principle is well known. If you keep working your body the same way for months on end, it will adapt. And finding a suitable lifting routine to replace the one your currently on can be a headache.
Consider this article to be your headache cure.
The Monster Confusion 10 week muscle mass building cycle isn’t just an endless string of different styles of training. It is various styles of training interwoven throughout a 10 week cycle. One day you might hit legs with a 5×5 style, and the next day you might use a Dorian Yates style arm-blasting routine. With this cycle, no 2 days – or 2 weeks, for that matter – are ever the same.
And because of this, you can use the Monster Confusion Cycle year round, if you so choose. Or, you can plug in new routines, and take out ones that aren’t suited for your needs. Consider the Monster Confusion Cycle your ultimate mass building tool.
Ppsspp gold 0.9 9.1. The styles. The following lifting routines and styles are integrated into the Monster Confusion Cycle.
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- 5×5. 5×5’s are well known as great mass and strength building routines.
- Bulldozer Training. Bulldozer Training is the creation of Muscle and Brawn’s webmaster. It’s basically Doggcrapp training without training to failure, combined with Max-Stim training without using single reps.
- 20 Rep Squats. The king of torture, which also happens to be the king of all mass inducing exercises.
- Dorian Yates. This Mr. Olympia is know for his high intensity, Heavy Duty-influenced style.
- Gironda 8 x 8. Vince Gironda was known for using this incredible training system. prepare for muscle soreness.
- Moderate Volume. A standard bodybuilding style routine of 3 sets x 6-10 reps per exercise.
- Singles, doubles and triples. Rest-paused heavy single, double and triple rep sets, which help in pushing the body through strength barriers.
- Max-OT. A single exercise involving 6 to 9 sets of 4-6 reps.
- Westside. The famous powerlifting routine that uses max effort (strength training), dynamic effort (speed training), and the conjugate method for supporting exercises.
- Burns. Burn sets are higher rep sets, usually to 50 or 100 total reps, performed with Bulldozer style rest-pause.
- 10×3. 10 sets of 3 reps, with 45 seconds rest between sets.
- High Rep Sets. High rep sets are performed in the 10-20 rep range for most muscle groups.
Monster Muscle Growth
Training splits. It is beyond the scope of this article to get into training split theory, and the amount of rest needed between workouts. use the Monster Confusion Cycle to your benefit…mold it to your favorite split, and the rest periods that work best for you. For the sake of example, I have provided a 3-day split example program.
The 3 Day a Week Monster Confusion Cycle. This system features a push, pull and legs day.
- Day 1. Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
- Day 2. OFF
- Day 3. Back, Biceps and Traps
- Day 4. OFF
- Day 5. Quads, Hamstrings and Calves
- Day 6. OFF
- Day 7. OFF
Smash ultimate brawl mod. NOTE: Perform Ab work as needed, and on the best day suited for you. This may vary week to week.
Chest, shoulders and triceps. Perform the following style training on the week listed…
- 5×5. Bench Press, Overhead Press, Closegrip Bench Press
- Bulldozer. 1 set to 20 reps, Bench Press, Incline Bench, Overhead Press, Triceps movement
- Max-OT. Bench Press, Overhead Press, Triceps movement
- Burns. 50 rep burn sets, Bench Press, Incline Bench, Overhead Press, Triceps movement
- Moderate. 3 sets of 6-10 reps, Bench Press, Incline Press, Overhead Press, Triceps movement
- 8×8. Rest 15-30 seconds between each set, Bench Press, Overhead Press, Triceps movement
- Westside. Max Effort – Bench Press, build up in weight using heavy triples, until you can’t perform triples, and then shoot for a new max. Dynamic Effort – Bench Press, do 8 sets of 3 speed reps with 60% of your 1 rep max, using only 15 deep breaths between sets. Then perform 3 sets of 6×10 reps, Overhead Press, Triceps movement
- High reps. 3 sets of 10-20 reps, Bench Press, Incline Bench, Overhead Press, Triceps movement
- 10×3. 10 sets of 3 reps, 45 seconds rest between sets, Bench Press, Overhead Press, Triceps movement
- Yates. One set per exercise performed to failure, using rest-pause, forced reps, static holds and negatives when possible. 2 Chest exercises, 2 Shoulder exercises, 1 Triceps movement
Back, biceps and traps. Perform the following style training on the week listed…
- Burns. 50 rep burn sets, Deadlifts, Back exercises, Bicep movement, Trap movement
- Moderate. 3 sets of 6-10 reps, 2 Back exercises, Bicep movement, Trap movement
- 8×8. Rest 15-30 seconds between each set, Deadlifts, Back exercises, Bicep movement, Trap movement
- Westside. Max Effort – Deadlifts, build up in weight using heavy singles, and then shoot for new max. Dynamic Effort – Deadlifts, do 8 sets of single speed reps with 60% of your 1 rep max, using only 15 deep breaths between reps. Then perform 3 sets of 6×10 reps, back exercise, Bicep movement
- High reps. 3 sets of 10-20 reps, 2 Back exercises, Bicep movement, Trap movement
- 10×3. 10 sets of 3 reps, 45 seconds rest between sets, Deadlifts, Back exercises, Bicep movement, Trap movement
- Yates. One set per exercise performed to failure, using rest-pause, forced reps, static holds and negatives when possible. Deadlifts, 1-2 Back exercises, 1-2 Bicep exercises, Trap movement
- 5×5. Deadlifts, Back exercise, Bicep movement
- Bulldozer. 1 set to 20 reps, 2 Back exercises, Bicep movement, Trap movement
- Max-OT. Deadlift, Back exercise, Bicep exercise
Quads, hamstrings and calves. Perform the following style training on the week listed…
- Westside. Max Effort – Box Squats, build up in weight using heavy singles, and then shoot for new max. Dynamic Effort – Box Squats, do 8 sets of 2 speed reps with 60% of your 1 rep max, using only 15 deep breaths between sets. Then perform 3 sets of 6×10 reps, Good Mornings, Romanian Deadlifts
- High Reps. A single 20 rep set of Squats, then 3 sets of 10-20 reps, Front Squats or Leg Extensions, Hamstring Curls or Romanian Deadlifts, and Calf exercise
- 10×3. 10 sets of 3 reps, 45 seconds rest between sets, Squats, Front Squats or Leg Extensions, Hamstring Curls or Romanian Deadlifts, and Calf exercise
- Yates. One set per exercise performed to failure, using rest-pause, forced reps, static holds and negatives when possible. Do 2 sets of squats, 6-10 reps, 1 Quad exercise, 1-2 Hamstring exercises, and a Calf exercise.
- 5×5. Squats, Front Squats (optional), Romanian Deadlifts, and some Calf exercise sets with 10-20 reps
- Bulldozer. Squats, 8 sets of rest-paused singles, doubles or triples with 15 deep breaths between sets, or work in Bulldozer style to 20 total rest-paused reps. 1 set to 20 reps, Front Squats or Leg Extensions, Hamstring Curls or Romanian Deadlifts, and Calf exercise
- Max-OT. Squats, Romanian Deadlifts or Hamstring Curls, Calf exercise
- Burns. 50 rep burn sets, Squats, Leg Extensions, Romanian Deadlifts or Hamstring Curls, Calf exercise (100 rep burns)
- Moderate. 3 sets of 6-10 reps, Front Squats or Leg Extensions, Hamstring Curls or Romanian Deadlifts, and Calf exercise
- 8×8. Squats, Hamstring Curls or Romanian Deadlifts, and Calf exercise
Notes. The exercises included in the example routine are just that…examples. Feel free to tweak them to fit your needs. Just don’t stray too far from primary, compound movements.
Also, try and keep your workout times under an hour. As you become experienced with this system of training, you can tweak the amount of exercises performed in a workout to keep you in the 45 minutes to an hour workout range.
Monster Hunter Muscle Growth
On Westside training days, feel free to switch up the exercises used for Max Effort days. It is also recommended that you tailor your supporting exercises to your weaknesses.
Bulldozer style rest-pause sets (to 20, 50 or 100 reps) require that you pick a moderately heavy weight, do as many reps as possible (not to failure), take 10-15 deep breaths, then do more reps. Continue this pattern until the desired rep total is achieved.
On Dorian Yates training days, do NOT use negative reps or high intensity techniques for deadlifts or squats.
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